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Dynasty Years
Huang Ti ? 2690-? 2590 B.C.
T'ang ? 2333-? 2234
Yu ? 2233-? 2384
Hsia ? 2183-? 1752
Shang ? 1751-? 1111
Chou (W.) ? 1111-771
(E.) ? 770-256
Ch'in 221-206
Han (W.)
206 B.C.- A.D.
9- 23 25-220
Wei Shu
220-265 221-163
Ching (W.) (E.)
265-316 317-420
Nan (South) Dynasty
Sung Chi
Liang Chen
420-479 479-502
Pei (North) Dynasty
E. Wei W.Wei
N.Chi N. Chou
550-577 557-581